Social Intelligence in Humans and Robots

Workshop RSS 2024 - July 19 (2pm - 6pm in Delft, Netherlands)

Our paper submission is hosted on OpenReview. Here is the paper submission website

Social intelligence is at the core of both human and artificial intelligence. From a young age, humans can understand, interact, collaborate, and communicate with each other. Most of what we learn is taught by others, or learned in a social context. Thus, a truly intelligent AI agent should be able to understand and work with humans as well as other AI agents.

This workshop focuses on the challenges and developments in building AI systems equipped with social intelligence, and leverages theories and insights from studies of human social intelligence for achieving such goals. In particular, the workshop will explore what it would take for machines to:

  1. Understand the behaviors and mental states of humans
  2. Engage in rich and complex interactions with humans
The workshop will bring together experts from cognitive science and developmental psychology to better understand the principles and origins of human social intelligence, and experts from AI and Robotics, to discuss how to engineer socially intelligent artificial agents, and how these paradigms can be deployed in both virtual and real scenarios.

Speakers and Panelists

Jacob Andreas

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Confirmed (Potentially In-Person)

Andreea Bobu

Boston Dynamics AI Institute / MIT

Confirmed (Remote)

Yonatan Bisk

Carnegie Mellon University

Confirmed (In-Person)

Michael Franke

University of Tübingen

Confirmed (In-Person)

Séverin Lemaignan

PAL Robotics

Confirmed (Remote)

Carolina Parada

Google Deepmind

Confirmed (In-Person)


Schedule TBA


Tianmin Shu

Johns Hopkins University

Xavier Puig

Meta AI

Shuang Li

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Zhonghao Shi

Univeristy of Southern California

Tsung-Chi Lin

Johns Hopkins University

Andi Peng

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Antonio Torralba

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Reach out to Zhonghao Shi ( for any questions.